Author: Amanda Jennewein
Date: April 30, 2024
Audience: Everyone
BIRT Reports EOL
With this release, v9.11.0, BIRT reports will no longer be available. This decision was based on low usage, security, and performance concerns. Jama Software® has not created reports based on this format for many years, contributing further to this decision. Our community reports already provide many variations of the same data, and we will offer similar replacements to:
- Review Center Comments Report
- Test Plan Detail
- Test Plan Summary
Additional Information:
- BIRT Report EOL was first announced in the Jama Connect® 9.9.0 Release Notes Cloud
- Jama Connect® 9.10.0 Release Notes Cloud
- Jama Connect® 9.11.0 Cloud Release Notes
Customer Action Required
Your Customer Success Manager contacted those leveraging custom BIRT reports to investigate options. If you need help determining which reports in your instance are BIRT, select the report and review the detail at the bottom of the dialog box. Contact your CSM If you have any concerns.
We understand you may have some customer BIRT reports that you may still utilize for your activities. We assure you that we are committed to working with your team to convert them to a supported reporting language or an alternative method to report on the data.
Below are actions to take:
- Identify BIRT reports actively used in your Jama Connect® environment.
- At the bottom of this communication are steps your System Admin can utilize to query logs for BIRT reports run within the last x months.
- Review the results with your teams to determine the usage of these reports.
- BIRT reports that are actively used: please share the report file and general use case with your Customer Success Manager. We can determine the effort required to successfully convert the selected reports from BIRT to an alternative solution.
- BIRT reports are NOT actively used: you may delete or deactivate them from the report menu (see steps below).
Your cooperation in this process is greatly appreciated, and we are committed to providing the support you need throughout this transition. Thank you for your continued support.
Steps to check for actively used BIRT reports
Steps to delete or deactivate reports no longer in use:
- As a system admin, log in to your root instance.
- Navigate to the reports tab.
- Identify the report you wish to remove from your instance by reviewing the columns in the Report Name, Report Type, and/or Report File Name.
- Note that all BIRT reports have a file extension .rptdesign
- Go to the right side of the selected report installation row and click on the Action options to remove a report.
- Choose the Delete option next to the installation row to remove the selected report.
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