Release Date US: 2024/03/08
Release Date AU/EU: 2024/03/09
Introducing the Live Trace ExplorerTM — Beta
This release introduces Live Trace Explorer, which provides comprehensive and detailed insights into your complex product, systems, and software development processes. This feature automates the measurement of requirements traceability, coverage across disciplines, and your organization’s toolchain.
Live Trace Explorer provides an at-a-glance snapshot of the traceability of your product's requirements to help you quickly and efficiently evaluate coverage, address any gaps, and proactively manage associated risks by answering two key questions:
How Complete Is My Traceability? Completeness is measured by the coverage percentage of the items in the diagram based on the total number of expected relationships for items within each tile. These roll up into the Trace Score for the entire diagram.
What Is The Quality Of My Traceability? Paths between any two tiles represent all of the relationships between the items of those two tiles. Suspect links appear in red to let you know the quality of traceability in your project is at risk.
As part of our open Beta, Live Trace Explorer is now available to all customers by request. When enabled, admins can create, save, and view diagrams for all projects with admin access. Admins can also enable those with creator licenses to view saved diagrams per project.
If you'd like to learn more or request access, you can see Jama Connect Help.
Note: The Live Trace Explorer documentation will be available with the Jama Connect 9.9 release on March 8th, 2024.
Baselines — Single Item View
In Jama Connect 9.6.0 and later, baselined items open in Single Item View. This view comprehensively displays all versioned and non-versioned fields, including attachment and link counts, fully capturing the item's state when the baseline was created.
Note: Baselines Single Item View only opens when you select an item from a baseline.
Enhancements — Baseline In-App Comparison
The "Comparison Information Bar" feature is now available from baseline in-app comparison. This feature is designed to communicate when there are updates or no changes when you compare baseline to baseline or baseline to current items.

Baseline comparison now shows when items have been removed or deleted from their originating source. We have also adjusted the comparison colors and styles to enhance the accessibility of the comparison view.

Document View Updates
- The default view for all items in Document View now includes Name and Description until an admin updates the configuration.
- The "Quick add" option is now available from the Inline Insert drop-down menu.
- When the Stream is disabled in the Admin settings, the Comment icon is no longer visible in Document View.
BIRT Reports EOL
In Jama Connect 9.11, Jama Software will end-of-life BIRT reports. This decision was based on low usage, security, and performance concerns. Jama Software hasn't created any reports based on this format for many years, contributing further to this decision. Our community reports already provide many variations of the same data, and we will provide similar replacements for:
- Review Center Comments Report
- Test Plan Detail
- Test Plan Summary
Their Customer Success Manager contacted those leveraging custom BIRT reports to investigate options. If you are unsure which reports in your instance are BIRT, select the report and review the detail at the bottom of the dialog box. Contact your CSM If you have any concerns.

Resolved Issues
ID | Description |
SOS-DEF-5674 |
Enabling the Approval Review template in Review Center Admin no longer affects the settings in a Peer Review template. |
SOS-DEF-6879 | When importing items into a different project than is currently active for the user, the items are now created with correct IDs and Item Paths. |
SOS-DEF-7109 | When Stream is disabled, the comment slide-over panel now shows comments. |
SOS-DEF-7368 | Test cases from a prior test plan are no longer displayed when a new test plan is created after closing and reopening the prior test plan. |
SOS-DEF-7390 | API (REST): GET /items/{id}/baselinedcategories endpoint now correctly returns 401 and 404 status codes when the baseline is inactive. |
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