Best Practice for Deleting Sample Data and/or Item Types

Cary Bryczek
Cary Bryczek
  • Updated

Author: Cary Bryczek

Date: August 14, 2024

Audience: Jama Connect® Administrators

Products Applicable: Jama Connect®

Use Case

Best Practice for Deleting Sample Data and/or Item Types

Best Practice

If you have a new installation of Jama that has sample data, item types, and picklists that you do not want to use, follow the steps below to delete the content. These steps will work with any item type, not just the sample ones.


  1. Deactivate users and user groups that are no longer needed
  2. Delete the sample project that is no longer needed (Admin > Project. Click Project and choose Action > Delete
  3. Wait 24 hours for projects to be purged from the database. This is for your security! Self-hosted customers can log in as the root user, go to "Root > Scheduled Jobs," and run the "QueueDeletedDomainObjects" job
  4. Remove Item Types no longer needed. Don't worry; Jama will error if any item types are still in active use.
  5. Remove no longer needed picklists. Don't worry; Jama will error if any picklists are still in active use.
  6. Remove Editor Templates no longer needed.


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