Author: Amanda Jennewein
Updated: November 2024
Audience: Jama Software® User Community
Environmental details: Jama Software® User Community
Registering as a Jama Software® User Community member and being approved but unable to access content indicates a permissions issue. Pay attention to the lowest right corner of the browser, as you can resend the confirmation email.
To access the content, users must confirm their email address to verify that they are not bots. We prioritize privacy and require all community members to adhere to our Rules, etiquette, and Privacy Guidelines.
The confirmation email is sent to the user's address used to apply for membership once approved by a community administrator and Jama Software®.
This issue is caused by failing to confirm the user's email address after the applicant is approved.
Remember to check the inbox, spam, trash, or junk folders - the confirmation email may be filtered to one of these and will arrive when your membership confirmation email arrives.
NOTE: If you attempt to confirm and receive the error, you do not need confirmation; refresh your browser and try to access the content you wish.
Additional Information/Resources
- Jama Software® User Community Rules & Etiquette and Privacy Guidelines
- Register for Community Membership
- Permission Problem: Unable to access content/videos - Jama Software® User Community
- Access to paid-for community content
- Introducing Federated Search
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