KOTS Installation Troubleshooting FAQ

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated

Author: Amanda Jennewein

Updated: January 2025

Audience: Self-hosted Administrators

Environmental details: Self-hosted, Replicated - KOTS


KOTS Installation Troubleshooting FAQ


I had trouble setting up my new Jama Connect® KOTS environment. What should I do?

A: If you run into issues during installation, stop what you're doing and follow these steps:

  1. Review the system requirements and supported software to ensure you're meeting the requirements.
  2. Review the database server requirements to ensure you correctly set up and configured the database.
  3. Ensure your database server and application server can access each other. 

If these components are configured correctly, contact Jama Software® Customer Support for help. 


I encountered a problem while installing KOTS, but I enabled Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux). Is that okay?

A: When you install Jama Connect®, you must disable SELinux.

To see if SELinux is enabled: 


If SELinux is in enforcing mode, you must disable it (permissive mode is kay):

setenforce 0


I ran into a problem while installing KOTS, but I have my firewall enabled. Is that okay?

A: When you install Jama Connect®, you must disable the firewall.

To check if your firewall is enabled:

systemctl status firewalld


 How do I know my databases are set up and configured correctly?

A: If you follow the database configuration requirements, you'll have three databases.

To confirm the list of databases:

show databases;

To ensure permissions are configured correctly for the database users who were previously created, follow the database configuration requirements to regrant those permissions. 

Installing and Upgrading Jama Connect® v9.6.x (KOTS) Latest


When I run commands from the CLI, I see the message "Error: permission denied." 

How do I fix this?

A: Use the sudo command during installation to ensure you run commands as an admin.


I used an IP address for my servers during installation and encountered problems. 

Is this supported?

A: No; only fully qualified domain names are supported in KOTS.


I see the message "Problem provisioning is unexpected: error." How do I fix this?

A: Confirm that your Elasticsearch variables are correctly set in the etc/sysctl.conf file:

sudo sysctl -a | grep max_map_count

If you don't get a result, set the variables:

sudo echo vm.max_map_count = 262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144


Provisioning my tenant failed, and the KOTS Admin Console shows my application is unavailable. How do I fix this?

A: In most cases, an error indicating a failure to provide a tenant means you must perform a new installation.

1. From a command line, run this command:

kubectl get pods

2. If Elasticsearch restarts or crashes, confirm that your Elasticsearch variables are correctly set in the etc/sysctl.conf file:

sudo sysctl -a | grep max_map_count

If you don't get a result, set the variables:

sudo echo vm.max_map_count = 262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

3. Delete all KOTS pods:

kubectl delete pvc/tenantfs pvc/volume-core-ingress-
0 pvc/volume-core-jobs-0 pvc/volume-core-reports-0
pvc/volume-core-0 pvc/volume-activemq-0 pvc/volume-diff-0


kubectl delete pvc/volume-elasticsearch-0
pvc/volume-hazelcast-0 pvc/volume-
nginx-0 pvc/volume-oauth-0
pvc/volume-saml-0 pvc/volume-search-0


kubectl delete sts/elasticsearchjobs/tenant-manager


kubectl delete pvc/volume-elasticsearch-0


kubectl delete svc/core svc/activemq svc/core-
ingress svc/core-jobs svc/core-reports
svc/elasticsearch svc/elasticsearch-discovery
svc/search svc/diff svc/hazelcast svc/oauth svc/saml

4. In the console of your database, replace <database_name> with the name if the Jama Connect® database created during the previous configuration. 

DROP DATABASE <database_name>;
CREATE DATABASE <database_name> character set utf8mb4;

5. Click Redeploy from the KOTS Admin Console to set up your KOTS pods. 

Guided Installation and Upgrade Assistance

Guided installation and upgrade assistance are available and can be discussed with your Jama Software® Customer Success Manager. We strongly recommend engaging in guided services if upgrading from a traditional or standard Replicated channel to KOTS.

Related Articles, Work orders, Zendesk tickets, Defects, etc.

Additional Information

  1. SELinux—Jama Software does not test with SELinux and cannot help customers with this setting. However, we know that it will cause problems with installation. If customers must have it on, we recommend turning it off for installation and upgrades and putting it back on once Jama Connect® is up and running.
  2. Proxy servers can cause issues with the installation and operation of Jama Connect® and Jama Connect Interchange™. We are unable to assist customers in diagnosing problems with their specific networking environment. We recommend either turning off the proxy server or allowing full traffic access to the Jama Connect® application server through the proxy. If a proxy server is necessary, customers should engage their networking experts to monitor traffic and enable communication paths as needed.
  3. Please ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed and fulfilled all the prerequisites before installing Jama Connect®. When contacting support, we will ask customers to verify these requirements and require them to restart the installation if any prerequisites have not been met. 


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