Author: James Ressler
Date: May 10, 2024
Audience: Everyone
Environmental details: Self-hosted, Replicated - KOTS
While trying to lower or unset the value in Admin Console > Config > Assets Size, shown below
You encounter the following error when redeploying under Deploy Logs > helmStderr:
UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "tenantfs" with kind PersistentVolumeClaim: PersistentVolumeClaim "tenantfs" is invalid: Forbidden: field can not be less than previous value
First, please note that the standard behavior of KOTS prevents reducing the size of a Persistent Volume (PV). Unless you absolutely need to reduce or unset this value, it is recommended that you only increase this value. To reduce the size of the PV, please follow the steps that follow.
Backup Your Tenant Assets
Since we will be deleting the tenantfs
Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), there is a chance for data loss if we do not backup the tenant assets first. To backup the tenant assets,
Exec into the running core-0
kubectl exec -it core-0 -- /bin/bash
Change directories to where your assets are stored
cd /home/contour/tenant/<TENANT-NAME>
Make an archive of the assets
tar -czvf assets.tar.gz avatars/ attachments/ diagrams/ reports/ equations/ tempreports/
Exit your session on the running core-0
Copy the archive off the running core-0
kubectl cp core-0:/home/contour/tenant/<TENANT-NAME>/assets.tar.gz ./assets.tar.gz
Finally, move the archive file off the application server for safety.
Delete the Old tenantfs
PVC and Redeploy
Run the following command on the application server to delete the core
statefulset and the tenantfs
kubectl delete sts/core pvc/tenantfs
Redeploy your config with the lowered Asset Size value from the KOTS Admin Console. After the application comes back up, the error in hemlStderror should be gone.
Restore Your Tenant Assets From An Archive File
It may be necessary to restore your assets from the .tar.gz
file created earlier. Move the file back onto your application server.
Set the environment variable for your tenant name
Copy the archive file onto the running core-0
kubectl cp -c core /path/to/assets.tar.gz default/core-0:/home/contour/tenant/${TENANT_NAME}/
Unpack the archive file
kubectl exec --tty -c core pods/core-0 -- tar -xvzf /home/contour/tenant/${TENANT_NAME}/assets.tar.gz -C /home/contour/tenant/${TENANT_NAME}/
Change the permissions of the assets directory
kubectl exec --tty -c core pods/core-0 -- chmod -R 755 /home/contour
Change the ownership of the assets directory
kubectl exec --tty -c core pods/core-0 -- chown -R tomcat:tomcat /home/contour
Delete the core
kubectl delete sts/core
Redeploy the application from the KOTS Admin Console.
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