Product Severity, Ticket Priority, Ticket Status, and Service-Level Agreements (SLA)

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated

Updated: December 2024

Author: Amanda Jennewein

Audience: Everyone


Our support ticketing system includes a Severity field in the internal ticket form to streamline ticket prioritization. Severity is determined by the definitions below. When you submit a request, please identify the business impact of your issue by selecting the appropriate priority: low, normal, high, or urgent.

Severity Definitions: 

Severity Definition
1 (Critical) Jama Connect® is either inaccessible or experiencing a significant reduction in accessibility in a production environment.
2 A significant feature, function, or integration is experiencing a significant reduction in a production environment.
3 Problems with Jama Connect® in a non-production environment.
General use questions and non-critical issues in a production environment.

Based on the severity of the issue assessed and your organization's purchased support program (SLA Tier), we aim to achieve the following service-level objectives for our response times, listed in hours.

SLA Tier Sev 1 Sev 2 Sev 3
Premium 1 hr 2 hr 8 hr
Enterprise 24 hr 48 hr 72 hr
Legacy 48 hr 72 hr 96 hr

What are the different ticket statuses in the customer portal?

Ticket Status Help Center Request
New Open
Open Open
Pending Awaiting your reply
On-hold Open
Solved Solved
Closed Solved

The system customer-facing ticket statuses are:

  • Open - the support team is working to resolve the request
  • Awaiting your reply - the support team is waiting for the end-users reply
  • Solved - the request was resolved
    • Customers can reopen a solved request within seven (7) days if it relates to the original issue or question. 

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 3.29.40 PM.png

You can find the ticket status in the "Status" column.

Ticket Priority

When submitting requests through the Jama Software® Support Portal, customers identify the priority, which the business impact should determine. You have the following options to choose from when submitting your request.

Customer-selected Priority Definitions
Low Minor issue with little or no business impact.
Normal The issue has a moderate business impact but does not affect essential functions.
High Significant business impact, affecting productivity or project deadlines.
Urgent Immediate business impact that needs to be resolved to prevent further risks or delays in a production deployment.

We offer additional support programs for customers with complex instances and large user bases. With a dedicated technical resource, you will gain advocacy and closer partnerships within Jama. We recommend visiting Jama Software's Premium Support Plan and partnering with your Customer Success Manager today to hear more!

Additional Documentation & Resources: 

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