Author: Riya Ray
Updated: September 2024
Audience: Everyone
Environmental details: Self-hosted, Replicated - KOTS
Jama Connect KOTS is installed, but the Application is still not accessible. Checking into the logs, you can see the error "Public Key Retrieval is not allowed" is thrown (see below):
ERROR http-nio-8080-exec-6 contour [1f4195] [com.jamasoftware.contour.setup.service.impl.SchemaServiceImpl] - Failed to check if the schema exists for tenant id contour
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed
- Navigate to your Admin console and update the below value under the Advanced Database Settings panel:
- Save this new configuration.
- Once done, run the below commands:
kubectl exec core-0 -- sh -c 'rm -rf /home/contour/tenant_properties /home/contour/ /home/contour/ /home/contour/ /home/contour/ /home/contour/'
kubectl delete job tenant-manager
kubectl delete sts core hazelcast activemq
- Delete the row in the
table by running the below query on your Database: -
delete from tenantstate;
- Deploy the last changes from the KOTS Admin console.
This issue is happening because PublicKeyRetrieval is not enabled on the instance.
Please ensure the PublicKeyRetrieval value is updated under the Advanced Database Settings on the Admin console.
Additional Information/Metadata
- Jama Connect® KOTS Installation troubleshooting
- Admin Console settings/ parameters
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