"Release" Field (Predefined)

Luis Prudoth
Luis Prudoth
  • Updated

Author: Luis Prudoth

Updated: October 2024

Audience: Everyone


This article will show you how to use the "Release" field and the subtle differences in its configuration.


When you create a new item type and then save it, you will notice that the Release field is created as Predefined by default. Also, the Unique Field Name will be "release.

If you add a new field to this item type, select Predefined, and then click the droplist. You will see that there will be only two available Unique Field Names that can be used in this single item. If you try deleting the existing/created default Release field, that one will appear as expected in this droplist.

Please remember the following: The predefined mode has limitations on using a certain number of unique field names by design. You can only use the same field type three times in the predefined mode. However, you can create more of this using the custom fields mode.

Both Predefined and Custom modes will display the values you have configured for the project you are working on.


1. Not all the Release configurations are connected with the Release Explorer tree; just the "release" Predefined field will be linked to this view, which is expected by design.

2.Containers were not designed to include predefined release fields, which caused inconsistencies in displaying the rest of the release fields.


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