Error: "You need to upgrade Replicated."

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated

Author: Jenna Zwick
Date: May 16, 2024
Audience: Administrators, Agents

Environment: Self-hosted Administration, Replicated - KOTS


If you see an error about needing a newer Replicated version when applying an older .rli license file while upgrading from an unsupported version of Jama Connect® to a supported one, please follow these steps.


For Internet-Connected Servers

If your server is connected to the internet, the quickest way to resolve this issue is to upgrade Replicated using the following cURL command:

curl -sSL "" | sudo bash -s no-auto

For Airgap Environments:

If your server is in an airgap environment, use the following steps:

Download the file using wget:

wget ""

2. Extract the file into the /data directory, overwriting the existing files:

tar -xzvf replicated-2.53.0+2.53.0+2.53.0.tar.gz -C /data


For most older versions of Jama Connect, it is typically safe to use a newer version of Replicated than the one recommended in the release notes. This compatibility generally applies to Jama Connect® version 8.36 and newer versions, though it may not always apply. Please always make sure to back up your system before making significant changes.


Additional Information:

  • Please look at the official Replicated documentation for detailed instructions on upgrading Replicated in various environments.
  • If you encounter any issues during this process, please open a support case and provide detailed information about your steps and any error messages received.
  • Replicated Docs

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