Why can I not use the @mention feature while adding a comment

Alexander Cerrato
Alexander Cerrato
  • Updated

Author: Alexander Cerrato

Updated: January 2025

Audience: Everyone

Environmental details: Cloud and self-hosted customers


The @mention feature as it relates to comments


Rich text fields, which are found in the activity comments, do not allow the @mention feature. However, while creating the comment, you can use the "users" tab to add anyone (including groups) who you would like to be notified, as this is part of the commenting process for activities.
Multiline text fields, found in the edit item comments, do not allow the @mention feature either. However, again, you can use the "Groups" or "Users" tab for notifications.

In the "comments" and the "Connected users" comments, a different field/widget is used, which lets you know that you can use the @mention and the hashtag.


Confusion as to where the @mention feature is expected to be used

Additional Information/Metadata:

  • Comments
  • Reviews
  • Hashtag
  • Stream


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