Author: James Ressler
Date: December 15, 2023
Audience: Everyone
Environment: Self-hosted, Replicated - KOTS
Sometimes, the tenant state needs to be reset. These steps can be tried if you see:
- tenant-manager pods are continuously being created, and repeatedly crashing
- the Admin Console reports that the application is "Unavailable."
- core-0 pod showing running but not ready.
Last line in logs org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [54810] milliseconds
On the database server
Truncate the tenantstate table in the jama database
truncate table jama.tenantstate;
Check that tenantstate has no rows
select * from jama.tenantstate;
On the application server
Remove the tenant configuration files from the core pod and delete the tenant manager job and the related statefulsets
kubectl exec core-0 -- sh -c 'rm -rf /home/contour/tenant_properties /home/contour/ /home/contour/ /home/contour/ /home/contour/ /home/contour/'
kubectl delete job/tenant-manager
kubectl delete sts/hazelcast sts/activemq sts/core
Redeploy the application from the KOTS Admin Console.
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