API - Authentication - Generating an OAuth Bearer Token for Making API Calls

James Ressler
James Ressler
  • Updated

Author: James Ressler

Date: October 17, 2023

Audience: Everyone


Once SSO is enabled, basic Jama credentials will not work for making API calls.


Use the Jama UI to generate API credentials that can be used to get a bearer token. The bearer token can be used to make regular API calls.


Login to Jama Connect and navigate to your profile.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 10.23.12 AM.png

In your profile, select "Set API Credentials"

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 11.46.24 AM.png

Enter a name for your new credentials and select "Create API Credentials"

IMPORTANT: Make sure to take note of your Client Secret now as it will not appear again

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 11.47.31 AM.png

Now that you have generated the API credentials, you can use them to get a bearer token that can be used to make API calls.


Use this command to get your bearer token:

curl --request POST https://<CLIENT-ID>:<CLIENT-SECRET>@<BASE-URL>/rest/oauth/token --data grant_type=client_credentials


$ curl --request POST https://rbfogo319n6ibtb:c4gj8xhzx5fyej16bzv9l1brh@example.jamacloud.com/rest/oauth/token --data grant_type=client_credentials


Test out your bearer token by making an API call:

curl --request GET https://<BASE-URL>/rest/v1/users/current --header "Authorization: Bearer <BEARER-TOKEN>"


$ curl --request GET https://example.jamacloud.com/rest/v1/users/current --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6WyJ0b2tlbl9pbmZvcm1hdGlvbiJdLCJleHAiOjE2OTc1NzMxNjQsImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uX2RhdGEiOnsiSkFNQV9DT1JFIjoiSnJlc3NsZXIifSwianRpIjoiNWRjYjgxNGMtZDMxYy00MzhiLTk1YjctYzdmMzBiZGZjYmQyIiwidGVuYW50IjoiamFtYXRlbmFudDQ4NzIwIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoicmJmb2dvMzE5bjZpYnRiIn0.y6upl9Vun1DNGIRgQmb35Zd43Ba6EOi3nloksu4RMryMz075vPjzRL_QSajYQ-reLHSiKDrP3VmI0UYBeDZc1Qa5sfhjr2dXGZ0pa47gwoxLWEfUBwBcDruMeLRM0nyeb2GW06K0LRsSMpFWdowfnZFCG_Lge4E3k2h28EmrhUm8sEYv-zSMcZ6SNJ-lyvM1qU0EyrzzhARSJUaV9WKb-tI5_v1Hd8Yin4uo8oji-a8-FNTAFzM_7YmlEGCIhSLBHUTOwifoVVhHdoiIT4TEKLClaIdUTgjZ0p00x_uIgMjuqS9mx27cFC0ICnEXyMH-K8ltMAiWCzjW4EtGY-Anzw"



Select "OAuth 2.0" under the Authorization tab.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 2.01.18 PM.png

Next, fill out the following fields in the "Configure New Token" form:

Field Value
Token Name <ANY-NAME>
Grant Type Client Credentials
Access Token URL https://<BASE-URL>/rest/oauth/token
Client Secret <CLIENT-SECRET>
Scope <empty>
Client Authentication Send as Basic Auth header

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 2.08.24 PM.png

Once that form is filled out, select "Get New Access Token" and you should be presented with a window like this after a few seconds.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 2.09.12 PM.png

You may select "Use Token" now or select from the dropdown menu in the "Current Token" form.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 2.09.36 PM.png

Now, you can test your bearer token by making a request.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 2.12.34 PM.png

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