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Upgrading Jama Connect®
Upgrading Jama Connect®
What functionality should I test before upgrading Jama Connect®?
Resolving Schema-Related Errors
MySQL Server 8 fails to start with exit code 1
Error "curl: (60) Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user
Scheduled Jobs not running after Upgrading Jama Connect®
Upgrading from Jama Connect® Traditional/Native channels to KOTS Channel
Upgrading to Jama Connect® v9.6.x (KOTS) **New updated and improved PDF
How to update the license file - (traditional/native channels)
KOTS to KOTS: Migrate Application Servers Using A Replicated Snapshot
Environment taking too long to upgrade (Reindexing is extremely slow)
Preparing the Jama Application Server, Jama Connect® Self-Hosted Airgap Version 8.79
Jama Connect® 8. x Upgrade Checklist and Process Documentation
Known issues upgrading to v8.49.1 and v8.49.2