Author: Steven Meadows
Updated: September 2024
Audience: Customers with Jama-developed reports
A Reminder About Jama-Developed Custom Reports
As a reminder, Jama Connect® customers interested in developing or modifying their custom reports can work with their Jama Software® Consultant or Customer Success Manager (CSM) to request Velocity Custom Reports training! Our team strongly recommends taking the training we offer to ensure our customers have the knowledge and tools needed for custom report development.
Please be aware that modifying installed custom reports originally developed by Jama Software® will result in the following policy for any future requests for the report:
- If a customer chooses to modify a custom report developed by Jama Software®, any resulting defects are not covered under the 3-month defect warranty period provided upon engagement delivery.
- Customers can contact their Jama Software® consultant or success manager to submit a billable request ticket to address any defects that may have occurred.
- Customers should provide their modified report code file to our team or request an update to the original Jama-developed report to meet their reporting needs.
- Any customer-modified reports will undergo higher scoping estimates to accommodate the additional time needed to review or re-implement the added code, ensuring compliance with custom reporting standards.
- All requests for customer-modified reports developed by Jama are subject to our team's regular backlog timeline.
- Success Programs
- Success Catalog
- Datasheets
- Request a Solution Offering or Training from the Success Catalog
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