9.15 — Jama Connect® Cloud

Steve Gotsch
Steve Gotsch
  • Updated

Release date US: 2024/09/06

Release date AU/EU: 2024/09/06

Introducing the Live Trace ExplorerTM — Open Beta

Live Trace Explorer provides comprehensive and detailed insights into your complex product, systems, and software development processes. This feature automates the measurement of requirements traceability, coverage across disciplines, and your organization's toolchain. 
Live Trace Explorer provides an at-a-glance snapshot of the traceability of your product's requirements to help you quickly and efficiently evaluate coverage, address any gaps, and proactively manage associated risks by answering two key questions:

  • How complete is my traceability? Completeness is measured by the coverage percentage of the items in the diagram, which is based on the total number of expected relationships for items within each tile. These roll up into the Trace Score for the entire diagram. 
  • What is the quality of my traceability? Paths between any two tiles represent all the relationships between the items of those two tiles. Suspect links are displayed in red to let you know when the quality of traceability in your project is at risk. 



Want to try the Live Trace Explorer feature? 

Organization admins must enable the Live Trace Explorer feature before it appears in projects and as an option in Admin Project settings. By default, this feature is disabled. 

LTE two.png

The Live Trace Explorer feature is now visible in Admin Project settings and available to configure for users with a creator license. 

LTE three.png

To learn more about Live Trace Explorer, see the Jama Connect® Help

NOTE: If previously enabled, you may need to re-enable after this release. 

General Maintenance and Library Updates

This release includes updates to several libraries and foundational technology components, such as Java and Spring. These updates align with our continuous improvement objectives to support usability, performance, and security. 

Resolved Issues 

ID Description
SOS-DEF-8415 The default rich text template is now displayed correctly when adding a new item using the inline insert option.
SOS-DEF-7112 Review revision numbers are no longer duplicated when you publish multiple revisions of a review at the same time.


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