Configure AWS Load Balancer to work with SSL - KOTS

James Ressler
James Ressler
  • Updated

Author: James Ressler

Updated: September 2024

Audience: Everyone

Environment: Self-hosted, Replicated - KOTS, AWS Load Balancer, SSL


KOTS Admin Console reports that the application is ready but inaccessible at the specified hostname.


1. On the KOTS Admin, the “use TLS” checkbox must be unchecked

2. a target group is needed on the AWS console, with a health check protocol HTTP and the health check path: “/elb-health-check”. The Target for this group should be the application server's DNS name or IP Address on port 80.


3.  In the Load balancer configuration add a new Listener with the target group created in step 2, here the protocol used by the load balancer must be “HTTPS” and the port 443, in this section we need to select the SSL certificate managed by AWS.


4. Save the configurations and wait for the load balancer to apply the changes.
5. After a few minutes, we should be able to access Jama Connect using a load balancer with a valid certificate.

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