Author: Alejandro Ochoa
Update: January 2025
Audience: Everyone
Environmental details: Cloud & Self-Hosted
Does having multiple tabs create multiple user sessions in Jama Connect®? Depending on your working preference or task at hand, you may have multiple tabs open in your Jama instance or even have Jama open in multiple web browser tabs. This may lead to you wondering, does this create multiple user sessions?
The answer is, no. Having multiple tabs open, both in your Jama instance or web browser will not create multiple user sessions. However, as a best practice, we strongly advise users to refrain from having Jama Connect® open in multiple web browser tabs as this may lead to incorrect behavior of the application, such as data not saving correctly when editing or at all, features not opening correctly or information itself not displaying correctly in the UI. Always use Jama's in-app tabs when multitasking.
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