Error: "Can't Detect IP Address."

  • Updated

Updated: August 2024
Audience: Self-hosted Administrators


When installing outdated and unsupported Jama Connect® in AWS, you might experience an error where the installation script fails to detect the instance's hostname or IP address. This problem usually occurs when upgrading to a supported version of Jama Connect®.


The installation scripts for Jama Connect® may not work with newer environments like AWS. This might cause problems where the script can't find the instance's hostname or IP address, leading to issues setting up the Replicated Admin Console. The error message probably doesn't clarify that it's trying to find the public IP address defined in the AWS console.


Steps to Resolve the Issue

  1. Use the Public IP Address or Public Facing Hostname:

    • Obtain the IP address or the public-facing hostname of the instance from the AWS console.
    • It is recommended to create a DNS record for the instance instead of using the /etc/hosts file for better manageability and reliability.

  2. Manually Set the Hostname and IP Address:

  • Open the /etc/hosts File in a text editor:
    sudo nano /etc/hosts
  • Add an entry for your instance's public IP address and hostname:
    <public_ip_address> <hostname>
  • Save and exit the text editor.

Proceed with Installation

Continue with the installation script, and manually enter the public IP address when prompted. After following these steps, the installation should proceed as expected, allowing you to upgrade to a supported Jama Connect®.

Additional Notes

  • Using a DNS record is recommended for better management and consistency.
  • Ensure your instance's security group allows inbound traffic on the ports necessary for the Replicated Admin Console and Jama Connect.

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