"Submit a request" - which form do I choose when submitting a request?

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated

Author: Amanda Jennewein

Updated: December 2024


This article will guide you to the correct request form when submitting a request through the Jama Software® Support Portal.

Support Portal Request Types/Forms

Jama Connect Cloud Support

  • You are cloud-hosted and seek support with Jama Connect® or Administration for your cloud-hosted instance(s). 

Jama Connect Self-hosted Support

  • You are self-hosted and seek support with Jama Connect® or Administration for your self-hosted instance(s). 

JCI - Jama Connect Interchange™ Support

  • You may be cloud-hosted or self-hosted and would like to request support with Jama Connect Interchange™.

  • You are self-hosted and would like support installing Jama Connect Interchange™.

Data Exchange (DX) Support

  • You may be cloud-hosted or self-hosted and need support with Data Exchange. 

Named Support Contact (NSC) Management

  • You want to add, edit, or update your company's Named Support Contacts (NSCs), individuals authorized to work with and request support from Jama Software® Support. 

  • You must be a Named Support Contact to ask for these changes.
  • Please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or Sales contact with questions.

GDPR/CCPA/Privacy Support

Request a Solution or Training Offering - Success Catalog

Cloud Data Services - Success Catalog

  • You are cloud-hosted and would like a copy of your data.

  • You are cloud-hosted and would like your production data exported. 

  • You are requesting a new vertical dataset.

  • You are requesting a refresh to an existing dataset.

  • Cloud Data Copy Service

Installation Service - Success Catalog

Migration Service - Success Catalog

  • You would like to help you in moving to new hardware servers. 

Upgrade Service - Success Catalog

Planned Weekend Support - Success Catalog

  • You have a Success Program and would like to request Planned Weekend Support

  • You have worked with your Success Manager and purchased Planned Weekend Support as a stand-alone service. 

    • We spend four (4) weeks leading your system administrator(s) through the planning and preparation steps to install or upgrade Jama Connect®. Through a series of remote working sessions and email communications, we will evaluate the environmental and configuration readiness for your planned weekend deployment, including: 

      • Identifying prerequisites and advising on the preparation of one (1) environment for installation or upgrade

      • Verifying that required components were downloaded.

      • Assisting with installing, configuring, and setting up the Jama Connect application.

      • Assisting with the upgrade of the Jama Connect application.

      • Up to three (3) hours of active support on the date of the planned weekend engagement at a mutually agreed upon time.

Deployment Migration - Paid Services Engagement

  • You have a Success Program and are cloud-hosted, and you would like to request a Migration from the Cloud to the Customer-Validated Cloud

    • Note – this requires purchasing our Customer Validated Cloud subscription (separate annual fee).

  • You are an existing self-hosted customer and would like to migrate from a self-hosted environment to our cloud-hosted solution. 

    • Note – this requires purchasing our Deployment Migration Services with your Success Manager or Sales Executive. 

  • You are an existing self-hosted customer and would like to migrate from a self-hosted environment to our cloud-hosted solution. 

    • Note – this requires purchasing our Deployment Migration Services with your Success Manager or Sales Executive. 

    • Note – this requires purchasing our Customer Validated Cloud subscription (separate annual fee).

  • You are an existing cloud-hosted customer and would like to migrate from a cloud-hosted environment to a self-hosted environment.

    • Note – this requires purchasing our Deployment Migration Services with your Success Manager or Sales Executive. 

  • Migration to Customer Validated Cloud




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