How to create a filter that reflects items with special characters.

Jose Leonardo-Munoz
Jose Leonardo-Munoz
  • Updated

Author: Jose Munoz

Date: 5/10/2024

Audience: Everyone

Environmental details: Everyone


This is how to configure a Filter at the moments that involve special characters like 入力:機能禁止 and many others.


To create an advanced filter:

  1. Select the Filters tab in the Explorer Tree.

  2. Click Add Filter to open the New Filter window.


3. Here's an example: you're trying to view a description of an item that contains special characters, such as this

If you type in the filter normally, it won't display any results.

Advanced filter not find the item.png

To fix this, you can add " ", * * at the beginning and end of the words. After that, I will display items even if they contain special characters.

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