Author: Luis Prudoth
Date: April 29, 2023
Audience: Everyone
In this article, you will learn how float licenses behave when they get downgraded automatically due to no availability.
What does the "Number of users assigned a downgraded license because a floating license was unavailable." mean?
The term "float" means limited access login according to the availability or temporary access. Jamasoftware license types are divided into two: Named and Floating.
A Named License is assigned to one user and cannot be shared. Unlike Floating Licenses, a user with a Named License will always have access to Jama Connect when they log in.
So, this means that if you have all your creator floating users logged into Jama actively, then an additional user logs in having the same floating account, Jama will start looking into your other reviewer floating license type availability and will re-assign that to this last user, because you exceeded the maximum capacity. So, every time this happens, Jama will increase the number of attempts to address it in his statistics of the highlighted information.
For instance, in the image below, you can see my total number of Float Licenses. Specifically, I have 20 licenses of the Creator Float type. I can assign this type to an unlimited number of users, but the "Owned" column indicates the maximum number of user accounts that can be logged in simultaneously. If all licenses are in use, additional users with this type must wait until a permit becomes available. Meanwhile, they will be automatically assigned a Reviewer Float license. In this case, I have 500 reviewer float licenses, and Jama will take one for the downgraded user account.In this picture below, you see all floating users are active:
When the downgraded user account finally logs in, he will get a welcome and advertisement message indicating that he was temporarily assigned a different license type due to no availability or space to log in with his original-assigned license Creator (Float). This is the message any float will get once there isn't login space:
When there are no more floating licenses available to be assigned by Jamasoftware®, you will get the expected error message:
The license was unexpectedly downgraded without any reason, and an error message was shown about access being denied.
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1 comment
Can you change the downgrade behavior? Ideally I would like users to be downgraded from a "Creator (Float)" to a “Stakeholder” license instead of a “Reviewer (Float)”
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