Preparing new servers for migration - application and database

Riya Ray
Riya Ray
  • Updated

Author: Riya Ray

Updated: June 2024

Audience: Everyone

Environmental details: Self-hosted 


Tasks must be completed to prepare the Application and Database Servers for migration and to set up the environment before migrating from the old servers.

Preparing your application server 

Please ensure that your application server meets all the requirements. Refer to the "Supported Software and System Requirements" for more information.

Important considerations

  • To improve the resolution time of any issues, keep ports open. Closing access to ports for communication within the server isn't supported and poses a risk to application accessibility.
  • Docker pre-routes traffic, so set rules in the DOCKER-USER table, not the INPUT table.
  • To avoid blocking issues when installing RHEL or CentOS Linux distributions, turn off the firewall or add the docker0 interface to the "trusted" zone.


For users and administrators to properly access Jama Connect, the following ports must be accessible to inbound traffic. Work with your network admin to ensure that your network is configured correctly.

    • Port 22 — The SSH port enables administrators to connect to the application server using SSH remotely.
    • Port 8800 — The Admin Console port enables administrators to access the Admin Console to configure, install, and upgrade Jama Connect.
    • Port 80 — Jama Connect utilizes a port for clear text communication (HTTP) to access the platform. This port can be disabled or reconfigured.
    • Port 443 — Jama Connect port for SSL/TLS communication (HTTPS) is used to access Jama Connect. You can reconfigure or disable the port number.

User IDs:

For Jama Connect to run its processes successfully, the following User IDs must be available and unused on the application server.

    • User ID 91 — Tomcat uses this to read from and write to directories located under /data.
    • User IDs 480 to 499 — Utilized by the different services.

Time sync schedule:

To ensure the application server maintains accurate time, schedule routine time syncs (e.g., set a cron job to sync time daily or hourly). Use the command below to set up the cron job:

    • ntpdate

Setting up dedicated volumes:

We suggest creating dedicated volumes for the data that your application will write. You can use this example to partition the logical volumes on your application server.

    • Start with a 100 GB disk.
    • Create a mount point:
      • mkdir /data /logs /var/lib/docker /var/lib/replicated
    • Create a physical volume:
      • pvcreate /dev/
    • Create a volume group:
      • vgcreate vg_jama /dev/ 
    • Create logical volumes:
      • lvcreate -L 30G -n lv_docker vg_jama 
        lvcreate -L 20G -n lv_replicated vg_jama
        lvcreate -L 10G -n lv_logs vg_jama
        lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lv_data vg_jama
    • Write file systems:
      • mkfs.xfs -L docker -n ftype=1 /dev/vg_jama/lv_docker 
        mkfs.ext4 -L replicated /dev/vg_jama/lv_replicated
        mkfs.ext4 -L data /dev/vg_jama/lv_data (ext4 or NFS)
        mkfs.ext4 -L logs /dev/vg_jama/lv_log
    • Edit the file /etc/fstab to include the following lines:
      • LABEL=docker /var/lib/docker xfs defaults 0 0 
        LABEL=replicated /var/lib/replicated ext4 defaults 0 0
        LABEL=data /data ext4 defaults 0 0
        LABEL=logs /logs ext4 defaults 0 0
    • Mount all volumes:
      • mount -a 
    • Confirm that all volumes were correctly mounted:
      • df -h

Configure custom memory settings for Elasticsearch:

To prepare to install Jama Connect, you must first update the system hosting the application. The update includes configuring memory settings for Elasticsearch.

    • Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file, add the following line to the file, then save the file.
      • vm.max_map_count=262144 
    • Reload the sysctl.conf file:
      • sysctl -p 
    • To confirm, type this command. The system should respond with vm.max_map_count=262144
      • sudo sysctl -a | grep max_map_count

Preparing your Database server 

The application server needs the following information to connect to the database server:

The username and password for SAML and OAuth must match the Microsoft SQL Server upgrade preparation script entries.

For MySQL:

MySQL is the recommended database server. Follow these steps to install and configure it.

Important considerations

  • Before installing Jama Connect 8.62.x, you must create two additional database schemas for the installation/upgrade to succeed (see step 3).
  • If you want to upgrade MySQL, see Upgrade and Configure MySQL.
  1. Make sure that the InnoDB engine is enabled.
  2. Download and install a supported version of MySQL. To find out which version of MySQL you need, please take a look at Supported software, environments, and system requirements and click the link for your version of Jama Connect.
  3. On the MySQL database server:
    • On the MySQL database server, your focus should be on creating an empty Jama Connect schema/database that uses UTF8. This step is crucial and requires your full attention.
      • CREATE DATABASE jama character set utf8mb4;
    • On the MySQL database server, create two additional database schemas and a user ("jamauser") with the ability to access, make, and update tables within the database.
      • CREATE DATABASE jama character set utf8mb4;
        CREATE DATABASE saml;
        CREATE DATABASE oauth;
        CREATE USER 'jamauser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
        CREATE USER 'oauthuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
        CREATE USER 'samluser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
        GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON jama.* TO 'jamauser'@'%';
        GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON oauth.* TO 'oauthuser'@'%';
        GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON saml.* TO 'samluser'@'%';
  4. Restart the database server.
  5. The following recommended settings require 8 GB of memory allocated to MySQL Server for a typical installation and 16 GB for an enterprise installation. Depending on your database server's operating system, this can be added to your my.cnf file (Linux) or my.ini file (Windows). You can also make these changes directly to the database.

    Here is a sample configuration text file for enterprise-level settings. It would be best to input the required values for your specific environment.
    • bind-address= 

For MS SQL Server:

Important considerations:

  • You must have full database administrator permissions for the server hosting the SQL Server database.
  • If you need to upgrade Microsoft SQL Server, refer to the guide on upgrading and configuring it. Upgrade and Configure Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Before installing Jama Connect 8.62.x
    • Install Microsoft SQL 2016–2019 for the database server.
    • Create an empty Jama Connect database and two additional database schemas for the installation to succeed.

NOTE: Organizations using Microsoft SQL Server must enter database users in Replicated. These entries are necessary for the installation to succeed. Also, a new schema must be created for a successful installation. Otherwise, the system continues to attempt to connect to the databases and produces log failures. After you make the database schemas, restart Jama Connect.

For more information, go to Supported Software, environments, and System Requirements and select your version of Jama Connect.

Microsoft SQL:

  1. Install Microsoft SQL 2016–2019 for the database server
  2. Connect to the SQL Server using a SQL management application (such as SQL Server Management Studio).
  3. Replace the following values in the installation script.
    • Create the User Logins:
      • USE master; 
        CREATE LOGIN jamauser with password = 'password';
        CREATE LOGIN samluser with password = 'password';
        CREATE LOGIN oauthuser with password = 'password';
    • Create the Jama Database:
      • USE master; 
        CREATE DATABASE jama;

    • Create the OAuth and SAML schemas:
      • USE jama; 
        EXEC ('CREATE SCHEMA oauth');
        EXEC ('CREATE SCHEMA saml');
    • Grant necessary permissions to the user logins:
      • USE jama; 
        CREATE USER jamauser for LOGIN jamauser;
        CREATE USER samluser for LOGIN samluser with DEFAULT_SCHEMA=saml;
        CREATE USER oauthuser for LOGIN oauthuser with DEFAULT_SCHEMA=oauth;

        EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', jamauser;
        EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', samluser;
        EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', oauthuser;
    • Verify all these actions were completed successfully:
      • Script completed — Check the Query Execution results for errors
      • Users created — Run the following SQL script in a new query window (The results should include jamauser, samluser, and oauthuser in the "Name" column of the result panes).
        • USE jama 
          SELECT * from master.sys.sql_logins
          SELECT * from Jama.sys.sysusers
      • Users granted the DB_owner role — Run the following SQL script in a new query window (The results should show that db_owner role is granted to jamauser, samluser, and oauthuser.).
        • USE jama 
          SELECT AS DatabaseRoleName,
          isnull (, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName
          FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM
          RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1
          ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id
          LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2
          ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id
          WHERE DP1.type = 'R'
          ORDER BY;
    • Keep the database from locking users' accounts while they are logging in or working in Jama Connect (you must have db_owner permissions):
    • Make sure the flag was successfully enabled (If the returned value is 1, the flag is on):
      • SELECT is_read_committed_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases WHERE name='jama';
  4. Copy and store the passwords you create here. You will need them later to configure the Admin Console settings.

Additional Information/Metadata:

  • Data Migration
  • Traditional 
  • New Servers


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