Author: Amanda Jennewein
Updated: September 2024
Audience: Everyone
Environmental details: Self-hosted - Traditional (Native) channel
You may have just received an email confirming your Jama Connect® License purchase or renewal. How do you determine which license update process is correct for your situation? There are three (3) ways to update your license, and the method you will use is directly correlated with your instance type. In this article, we will have you define your instance type and find the coordinating instructions.
Are You in the Cloud, Airgapped, or Self-Hosted (Non-Airgap)?
You Are in the Cloud
- You Are Airgapped
- You Are Self-Hosted (Non-Airgap)
License Renew and Upgrade Instructions
Cloud: You don't need to take any further customer action; access to your environment is continuous upon purchase and renewal. If you need access, please contact your Jama Software® Customer Success Manager for more information.
Airgapped: When using Airgap, your system cannot connect to the Internet. This means that any changes or renewals of a license require a "new" license to replace the existing permit. To upgrade, you will place the new license .rli file (license key) directly into your Jama server.
1. Receive Jama's new .rli license file through a request or discussion with your account manager.
2. Transfer the .rli onto your organization's Jama server. We recommend overwriting the existing license file in the exact location defined in Settings (cog icon) > Console Settings > Airgap Settings > License File and Save settings. Use the same name so you do not need to update the filename setting.

3. Save settings.
4. Go to the Admin Console, select the Settings (cog icon) > View License.
5. Select the Sync License button. Note that the “Sync License” action pulls up the new RLI license file we just transferred to the server for the Airgap install. The license will update on-screen.
6. Go to the Admin Console Dashboard, Stop Jama, then Start Jama.
If you set up a new non-production (test/sandbox) Airgapped instance of Jama, you will receive an email confirmation containing a .rli License file. This email will provide you with specific information crucial for the successful installation of Jama Connect®. It is essential to keep this information handy and review it thoroughly.
- URL to download the Replicated Orchestration Tool
- Airgap Artifact Portal URL (unique to your license)
- Airgap Artifact Password (unique to your license). DO NOT LOSE this, as this is required at the time of install
Then, follow these directions from the User Guide: Install Jama Connect (Airgap installation).
It is highly recommended that you engage your Account Manager to engage Professional Services to assist with any fresh installation of Jama.
Self-Hosted (Non-Airgap): Use the Internet Install method -- the license has been updated remotely, and you need to “sync” the license for the updates to take effect. Your confirmation email will indicate that we have uploaded the license to Replicated from our end. Once you receive this, follow these instructions:
2. Go to the Admin Console > Settings (cog icon) > View License section.
3. Select the Sync License button.
4. Go to the Admin Console Dashboard, Stop Jama, then Start Jama.
About Allotment/Seat Changes to Your License
Suppose you are changing your license, which will lessen your allotments in any particular seat type. In that case, you need to ensure your license entitlements comply with the new license (e.g., ensuring that the number of users activated is within the latest range in your new license).
NOTE: If the number of users activated exceeds the new limit, Jama won’t update and might not start altogether. To be safe, we suggest that you do this first:
2. Activate the license (following whatever method pertains to your situation from above).
3. Then reactive your users to the new entitlement numbers.
Additional Resources:
KOTS - How to manually upload a new Jama license file
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