Author: Jose Munoz
Date: December 27, 2023
Audience: Everyone
After creating a new set of items, they don't appear under the project when we want to add them.
Wherever you want to add a set in the Explorer Tree, right-click on the project name and select Add > New item > Set of..., then select the item type from the list.
From the top of the left panel, select Add > Set of..., then select the item type from the list.
Make sure the new set of items that were created is added to the project through ADMIN>Project>Items Types
Note: To be able to see the ADMIN>Project tab you will need to have the role Project Admin or higher.
Not adding the new set of items under the Project>Item Types.
Related Articles, Work orders, Zendesk tickets, Defects, etc.
- Zendesk Tickets: #74474
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- Authentication
- Relationships
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- Installation
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- Coverage and traceability
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- Jama Connect Interchange™
- Customer-Validated Cloud
- Security
- Diagram/Graph Editor
- Jama Software® Subscriptions Maintenance and Support Service Agreement
- Jama Connect®
- Supported
- Item Configuration
- Sets
- Deployment Migration
- Integrations
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