Server Components (KOTS)
Jama Connect® self-hosted does not support high availability configurations. We recommend using snapshotting via your VM or taking nightly database backups to restore the application manually. We do not support changing Replicated outside the Replicated Admin Console web UI.
Required System Specifications
See the Installing and Upgrading Jama Connect® v9.6.x (KOTS) Latest to determine data size thresholds and scale adjustments for your environment.
Operating Systems
Jama Connect was regression-tested against the following distros:
- Red Hat 8.6 and 8.8
- RHEL 8.x requires Containerd
- Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
To use Ubuntu 22.04, you must update the memory, or Elasticsearch fails.
- From the KOTS Admin Console, adjust the memory settings so that the Maximum Memory is 6G and the Maximum Memory for Container is 8G
To use Ubuntu 22.04, you must update the memory, or Elasticsearch fails.
Database Servers
The database must be hosted on a server separate from the Jama Connect application. This server can host other databases, but we do not support other applications running on the same server as the database.
- MySQL 8*
Microsoft SQL 2019 and 2022
We do not support the use of the Azure database, as this is not tested
We do not support custom configurations of Jama Connect databases. Customizations such as query optimization and additional indexes that are not shipped with Jama Connect will not be supported. We do not expect any difference in customers’ database configuration, setting, indexes, triggers and etc. from what we regression test.
Note that browser zoom is supported only at 100%. Use of browser extensions/add-ons or the enablement of Compatibility View is not supported while using Jama Connect. To prevent session issues, the application should be used in a single browser window.
- Edge Chromium
- Firefox**
- Google Chrome**
- Safari**
**We will support versions released over the past 12 months.
Supported Word Processor and Spreadsheet Programs for Exports and Reports
- Office 365 for Mac
- Office 365 for Windows
MathType Equations Editor
Supported Version: and
- Crowd 5.2
- Auth0 (cloud-only)
See Authentication Options for Self-Hosted and Cloud Users (LDAP, AD, Crowd, SSO, SAML) for more information.
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