Restart all components (Native)

Jason Ritz
Jason Ritz
  • Updated

Author: Jason Ritz

Updated: September 2024

Audience: Everyone

Environmental details: Jama Connect® self-hosted, replicated - Traditional


When configuring the application in the Replicated admin console, it is sometimes necessary to restart all of the system components. 


  1.  Stop the application
    replicatedctl app stop -a
  2. Stop Replicated
    systemctl stop replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
  3. Stop all running Docker containers
    docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
  4. Restart Docker
    systemctl restart docker
  5. Restart Replicated 
    systemctl start replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
  6. Restart the Jama Connect application
    replicatedctl app start

Note: You can start and stop the application in steps 1 and 6 from the Replicated admin console. 

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