Preflight checks must be run when installing and Upgrading Jama Connect

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated

Updated: November 2024

Audience: Self-hosted System Administrators

Environmental details: Self-hosted Airgap and Internet - KOTS


We introduced changes to the preflights with Jama Connect version 9.17. The v3 application server preflight check now warns if the hard disk is smaller than 256GB and examines the the /var directory to ensure it is not a symbolic link. The v3 database server preflight check queries your databases for collation settings and recommends running a supplied database migration script if it finds collation other than utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci. Note that running the v3 database server preflight check now requires you to include tenant, host, port, user, and password arguments.

9.17.x — Self-Hosted Jama Connect Release Notes

Perform KOTS preflight installation checks for upgrades. Run KOTS preflight installation checks for an upgrade. If your system is internet-enabled or air-gapped, ensure its readiness.

The pre-installation checks ensure all server requirements prevent installation and upgrade issues. You may install Jama Connect® once the results display green checkmarks for each test.
If you run into issues during installation and submit a support request, please run the preflights and attach the outputs to the ticket submission for quicker issue isolation and resolution.

To run preflight checks for internet-enabled environments:

  1. Run the command on your application server:

    curl -s | sudo bash
  2. Run the command on your database server:

    curl -s | sudo bash -s -- -t <tenant_db> -i <host> -o <port_num> -u <db_user> -p <db_password>
  3. Press S to save the file, then review the results.

  4. If the database server preflight installation check indicates that database collation needs to be updated, we recommend running the database collation upgrade script. It is crucial to back up your database before performing any database operations. 
    curl -s | sudo bash -s -- -d no -t <tenant_db> -i <host> -o <port_num> -u <db_user> -p <db_password>
  5. Submit a Jama Connect® Self-Hosted Support Request Form and include your preflight check results to help our technical services team support your installation needs. Include any questions or concerns about the results in the ticket.

To run preflight checks for air-gapped environments:

  1. From an internet-enabled server

    1. Download the preflight script files for the application server:

      curl --output airgap-host-preflight_linux.tar.gz
      curl --output
    2. Download the preflight script files for the database server:

      curl --output airgap-database-preflight_linux.tar.gz
      curl --output

      curl --output
  2. From your application server

    1. Save both application server script files to a directory on the air-gapped application server that will host your KOTS installation, then configure the file permissions for the shell script:

      chmod +x <path to the files>/
    2. Run the preflight installation check:

      sudo bash <path to the files>/
    3. Press S to save the file, then review the results.

  3. From your database server

    1. Save all database server script files to a directory on the air-gapped Jama Connect database server, then configure the file permissions for the shell script:

      chmod +x <path to the files>/
    2. Run the preflight installation check:

       sudo bash <path to the files>/ -t <tenant_db> -i <host> -o <port_num> -u <db_user> -p <db_password>
    3. Press S to save the file, then review the results.

    4. If the database server preflight installation check indicates that database collation needs to be updated, we recommend running the database collation upgrade script. It is crucial to back up your database before performing any database operations. 
      chmod +x <path to the files>/

      sudo bash <path to the files>/ -d no -t <tenant_db> -i <host> -o <port_num> -u <db_user> -p <db_password>
  4. Submit a Jama Connect® Self-Hosted Support Request Form and include your preflight check results to help our technical services team support your installation needs. Include any questions or concerns about the results in the ticket.


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