Author: Alejandro Ochoa
Date: December 1, 2023
Audience: Everyone
Environmental details: Cloud and Self-Hosted
When subscribed to a review, you can view your current progression on the review by viewing the My Progress column in the Review Center. This provides you a quick glance on how far along you're in on the activities assigned to you on said review.
Note*: The My Progress column is only available to Non-Organization Admin users.
- As a non-organization admin user, log-in to your Jama instance.
- Once logged-in, navigate to the Review Center section.
- In the Review Center, select the My Reviews tab on upper-left hand side to display your assigned reviews. The "My Progress" bar will be available next to the "End Date" column
- As mentioned before, the "My Progress" column is only available to non-organization Admin users. If you're an organization Admin, you will see the My Reviews section the following way.
This is by design and works as intended.
Additional Information/Metadata:
- Review Center
- My Reviews
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