Host Support Bundles - A tool to detect potential causes of a failed KOTS installation

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated

Updated: September 2024

Audience: Everyone

Environmental details: Jama Connect 8.74.1+ Self-Hosted, Replicated - KOTS


When the kURL script fails to install KOTS, and you can't access the Replicated Admin Panel, you can run a script to generate a Host Support Bundle. This can be done in either an air-gapped or internet-enabled environment. The resulting file contains essential information. I've included more details about its contents and appearance below.


KOTS installation failed mid-install with the kURL script, leaving only part of the cluster constructed. Kotsadm pods are missing, and the support bundle command fails.


  1. Depending on your environment, you need to either:
  2. The support bundle will output a simple analysis on the screen, as well as generate a support bundle with a name like replicated-support#########.tar.gz
  3. You can open the support bundle with your editor of choice. There are many files in the bundle:
    (See Exploded file structure)
  4. The most crucial section is under "host-collectors" > "run-host."
    Here, you'll find the tests that were run against the app server. In the case of my example, many files in here reported errors or were not installed, prompting questions about which user ran the kURL script, which pre-setup instructions were completed, and if they did the pre-flight checks  (Screenshot)


Make sure to set up the environment correctly, avoid overly strict security settings, and ensure all prerequisites are met.

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