Release Date US: 2022/05/27
Release Date AU/EU: 2022/05/28
Baseline Updates
Once an organization admin creates and configures a baseline-specific pick list, they can enable the baseline status for users to be able to select the pick list. The baseline status pick list can't be edited after it's configured.

Once the pick list is enabled, users can apply this option when they edit a baseline. The pick list values appear in the headers for Baselines List View and View details page.

The View details page now includes the Rich Text Editor along with the new baseline pick list -- when editing a baseline, you can now update the pick list and add Rich Text as needed. When the baseline pick list is updated, the activity is captured in the baseline and project activity streams.

Project Dashboard Updates
New dashboard views use visual storytelling to improve comprehension.
For line, bar, and pie chart widgets, the new Data Table View provides a detailed breakdown of the filtered segments, presented in an easy-to-read table format.

If you need this information elsewhere, you can download individual bar, line, or pie chart data directly from an individual widget in three formats:
The new Full Screen View creates greater visibility and clarity for seeing a broad view, guiding focus to the screen and into the data.

The legends in dynamic dashboard widgets help you to drill down, focus, and compare the widget information you need while deselecting and selecting legend segments.

License Administration
The Admin License page has been redesigned and enhanced for ease of use and readability.
- The page filter drop-down menu now includes all license types. You are no longer limited to a portion of your license usage; you can now select All to group overall license usage into a single view.
- The bar chart has been updated to an area chart to display grouped license types with more clarity.
- When viewing the area chart as a date range, you can click on a single day to view the hourly breakdown; you can also click on a single hour to view a new minute-by-minute breakdown for better real-time analysis.
- The page data is now displayed in your local time zone (converted from UTC).

- A newly-added statistic represents when a user tries to log in with a creator (float) license but is downgraded to a reviewer (float) license due to lack of availability.

- A new CSV export helps you analyze license usage trends within Excel. The exported data represents a UTC time zone.

SCIM Provisioning for User Management
A new System for Cross-Identity Management (SCIM) workflow allows your organization to automatically provision users from Okta into Jama Connect. Contact Jama Support to assist with enablement and to ensure successful implementation.
SCIM provides the ability to:
- Create new users (initial license management occurs during creation)
- Read existing users
- Update user information
- Deactivate users
Updates from Customer Feedback
The Relationship widget window now includes the ability to multi-select and clear multiple Suspect Links in Single Item View.

You can now:
- Use control (command+shift on Mac) to select the links you want to clear.
- Select Clear Suspect Links from the Edit drop-down menu.
- Clear links in batches of 1–50.
To add comments to this popular use case, see Add ability to clear all suspect links on a given item.
Usability Updates
- On the Review Details page, users can now resize the "Find item" and "Filter items by" panels.
- A new “View in tree” option has been added to both menus in Reviews, which allows you to open the Find item panel and view the item in the review hierarchy.
- The window used to add @mentions and #hashtags has been adjusted so that the text is displayed regardless of screen size or position.
REST API Updates
- PATCH /items to update multiple items
When a baseline-specific pick list is enabled:
GET /baselines endpoint now returns the baseline pick list option
GET /baselines/ {baselineId} endpoint now returns the baseline pick list option
- PUT /baselines/ {baselineId} endpoint now can update the baseline pick list option
Resolved Issues
ID | Description |
SOS-DEF-505 |
When workflow is enabled, previous versions of an item that have been converted to a different item type can now be transitioned to Current. |
SOS-DEF-2108 |
Selecting two different sets of items before the first tab opens no longer causes issues. |
SOS-DEF-2376 |
Using REST API POST /projects/{projectId}/attachments with required field settings no longer produces an error. |
SOS-DEF-4014 |
Now, when you move sets of items to a new project, workflow settings are aligned with the new project. |
SOS-DEF-5310 |
If items in a workflow where converted to a folder, you can now use the option Replace with baseline. |
SOS-DEF-5745 |
Enabled categories no longer appear as disabled (OFF) when they're actually enabled (ON). |
SOS-DEF-5751 |
When a user is assigned to many user groups, their project screen now loads more quickly. |
SOS-DEF-5804 |
Now, if an item is converted to a new item type without a defined workflow, you can assign workflow settings at a later date. |
SOS-DEF-5822 |
The Calculated and Logic field is now displayed in integer format instead of string format when you export Word, Excel, or PDF. |
SOS-DEF-5826 |
When configuring an item workflow as an organization admin, the Workflow heading is now displayed correctly after you click Cancel. |
SOS-DEF-5842 |
An error no longer appears when you save an item with tags twice. |
SOS-DEF-5860 |
When disabled, the option Allow users to change their username now behaves as expected. |
SOS-DEF-5862 |
The option to reset a forgotten password is no longer available to IdP (SAML) users. |
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