Jama Connect 8.56.3 Self-Hosted, hotfix - NOT Supported

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  • Updated

Release Date US: 2021/02/22
Release Date AU/EU: 2021/02/22

Improved Handling of Large Datasets in Elasticsearch

This release includes a configuration change that paginates Elasticsearch results, eliminating the potential for a SocketTimeoutException. Embedded filters continue to be limited to a maximum of one million results. 


Improvements to Filters with Multiple Queries 

This release resolves an issue where filters with multiple queries that include "All Item Types" produced incorrect filter results in the Preview List. 


Velocity Logging Enhancement

Debugging custom Velocity reports can be difficult and time consuming. To help alleviate these challenges, this release adds logging information to contour.log from the Velocity LogTool. 


## sets a variable x to some value and then logs a message that includes the variable value in the output

#set($x = 8675309)

$logTool.info("What is the value? ${x}")


Resolved Issues

ID Description
SOS-DEF-5173 Smart filters with a subquery no longer cause timeouts when searching. 
SOS-DEF-1394 The correct results are now displayed if a rule is set for "All Item Types" and another rule is set for a specific item type using the same filter. 
SOS-DEF-5190 Logging information from the Velocity LogTool is now available in contour.log. 


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