Jama Connect® 8.74.1 Self-Hosted - NOT Supported

Permanently deleted user
Permanently deleted user
  • Updated

Release Date All: 2022/06/16

License Administration

The Admin License page has been redesigned and enhanced for ease of use and readability. 

  • The page filter drop-down menu now includes all license types -- you are no longer limited to a portion of your license usage. You can also now select All to group overall license usage into a single view.

  • The bar chart has been updated to an area chart to display grouped license types with more clarity.

  • When viewing the area chart as a date range, you can click on a single day to view the hourly breakdown. You can also click on a single hour to view a new minute-by-minute breakdown for better real-time analysis.

  • The page data is now displayed in your local time zone (converted from UTC). 

  • A newly-added statistic represents when a user tries to log in with a creator (float) license but is then downgraded to a reviewer (float) license due to lack of availability.

  • A new CSV export helps you analyze license usage trends within Excel (the exported data represents a UTC time zone). 


Project Dashboard Updates

New dashboard views use visual storytelling to improve comprehension.

For line, bar, and pie chart widgets, the new Data Table View provides a detailed breakdown of the filtered segments, presented in an easy-to-read table format.

If you need this information elsewhere, you can download individual bar, line, or pie chart data directly from an individual widget in three (3) formats: 

  • PNG
  • CSV
  • SVG

The new Full Screen View creates greater visibility and clarity for seeing a broad view, guiding focus to the screen and into the data.


The legends in dynamic dashboard widgets help you to drill down, focus, and compare the widget information you need while deselecting and selecting legend segments.


SCIM Provisioning for User Management

A new System for Cross-Identity Management (SCIM) workflow allows your organization to automatically provision users from Okta into Jama Connect. To assist with enablement and to ensure successful implementation, please contact Jama Support.

SCIM provides the ability to:

  • Create new users (initial license management occurs during creation) 
  • Read existing users
  • Update user information
  • Deactivate users


Project Access in Categories 

Organization admins can now manage a category’s visibility in one, many, or all projects.

Category Permission Visibility Types 

  • Unassigned Access 

    • Not visible in any projects.

  • Project Access 

    • Visible in one or more defined projects.

  • Global Access 
    • Visible in all defined organization projects.

As projects are added to the organization, visibility is automatically applied. Note: Newly added categories are “unassigned” by default, meaning they’re not visible in any projects.


Unassigned Categories

Unassigned categories don't appear in your projects, including in these project views:

  • Project 

  • List View

  • Reading View

  • Single Item View

  • Tree

  • Manage Categories window

By default, users don't have access to categories that have just been added, allowing organization admins time to configure them without disrupting or revealing them to the organization. 


Organization admins can configure unassigned categories at any time.  

Here's how:

  • Global Access: Enable to make category visible to all projects. 

  • Manage Access: Configure the specific projects where the category should be visible. 


Global vs. Project Access

Global access allows all projects to access a category, while project access means a category will only be visible to specified projects.

The global access option can be enabled or disabled at any time with the Global access checkbox. When enabled, all active organization projects have visibility to that category. The Manage access option is disabled because the category is set as visible to all projects.

If the user disables global access, the category is then converted to a “Project access” category and all projects will still have access to it. The user can then manage which projects should maintain access to the category.  

Project access categories can only be seen and used in the projects specified by their organization admin. The organization admin can then choose to manage access and make any needed changes.


Manage Project Access

Project access can only be managed on one non-global category at a time. When the Manage access button is clicked, the Manage access window is displayed, where organization admins can hide or show any active projects in the organization. 

Note: Access can only be edited on top-level parent categories; all child categories inherit the top-level (parent) access. This also affects all move, copy, and merge actions.

  • Hidden projects are listed in the left panel.

  • Visible projects are listed in the right panel.

  • Projects are displayed with the project name, followed by the project key.

  • Projects can be moved from either pane. 

  • Impact counts display the staged actions at the bottom of the window.

  • Clicking Save applies the staged access options to the selected category.

  • Access activities are posted and displayed in the Admin activity history.

If a category has been applied to items in a project, that project can no longer be removed from the Visible projects list. All applied categories must be unapplied from all items in the selected projects before removing the category from the project. This restriction also applies to all move, copy, and merge actions.

Managing access has an impact on cross-project use of categories. When a user, working with a cross-project List View or Reading View, selects Manage categories, the visible categories are limited to Global categories and categories that intersect with the selected projects.

Additional Callouts

  • If a deleted item is restored, any associated categories aren't restored.

  • If a project is archived and later restored, the categories aren't restored.

  • When a user, in a cross-project List View or Reading View, selects Manage categories across the list, they see only categories that are global and that intersect with the current project.



Baseline Updates

Once an organization admin creates and configures a baseline-specific pick list, they can enable the baseline status for users to be able to select the pick list. The baseline status pick list can't be edited after it's configured. 

Once the pick list is enabled, users can apply this option when they edit a baseline. The pick list values appear in the headers for Baselines List View and View details page.  

The View details page now includes the Rich Text Editor, along with the new baseline pick list. When editing a baseline, you can now update the pick list and add Rich Text as needed. When the baseline pick list is updated, the activity is captured in the baseline and project activity streams.



Improvements from Community User Feedback 

The Relationship widget window now includes the ability to multi-select and clear multiple Suspect Links in Single Item View. 

You can now:

  • Use control (command+shift on Mac) to select the links you want to clear.

  • Select Clear Suspect Links from the Edit drop-down menu.

  • Clear links in batches of 1–50.

To add comments to this popular use case, see Add ability to clear all suspect links on a given item.

Additional updates:

  • Context-sensitive Velocity reports now include the option to add the List Source ID parameter, which allows you to identify the source of the information for your report. 

  • Attachments in Review Center now appear in the item only when the user has the correct read permissions to view the attachment.

  • When you delete a custom field from an item type, that data is now automatically removed, avoiding issues in calculations and item updates when the unique field name is reused later.  

Note: To submit or vote on ideas for product enhancements, go to the Ideation module in the Jama Software User Community. Registration is required. 


Usability Updates 


  • Improved language and updated instructions when adding notification emails to the System Health Report settings page.

  • Updated inline alert to the new library component on the Categories admin page to match Jama Software design standards, providing more consistency to the application.


  • Updated highlight, hover, and selected colors to match Jama Software design standards, providing more consistency to the application.


  • Added a new Go to item link as an option in the drop-down menu on the Reviews left sidebar, providing easier access to items in projects.

  • Added clarifying icons to the Add moderator and Add participants buttons in the Reviews header.

  • When a user comments on a review, the content of the comment is now maintained when switching from Reply to Resolve. The user no longer has to re-enter the content.

  • Improved language for user messages when they can't publish a new review revision because the filter that was used to create the review has been deleted.

  • On the Review Details page, users can now resize the "Find item" and "Filter items by" panels.

  • A new “View in tree” option has been added to both menus in reviews, which allows you to open the Find item panel and view the item in the review hierarchy.

  • The window used to add @mentions and #hashtags has been adjusted so that the text is displayed regardless of screen size or position.

  • Language in the Review Center Actions menu and window has been updated to reflect the same pattern as the Project workflow. When you select multiple items for batch update, the text now displays as Edit instead of as Update.

Reviews Index

  • IMPORTANT: The default view on the Reviews index page is now the Table View instead of the Grid View.

  • Updated the navigation tabs, buttons, spinners, and other UI elements to newer components that match Jama Software design standards and provide consistency to the application.

  • Adjusted the Reviews index page view preference (Grid or Table) to persist throughout the user's Jama Connect session.

  • Updated the filters on the Reviews index page to keep selections throughout the user’s review session, and to apply them on initial selection from the drop-down menu.

  • Expanded table column data and sort functionality in the Reviews index table view. You can now sort by Review Status, Role, Revision, Moderators, End date, and My progress.

  • The Reviews tab count now reflects the total and filtered counts for both “My” and “All” reviews simultaneously.

  • Removed unnecessary back-end calls when review and count data are loaded, improving navigation performance on the Reviews index page. 


API Updates 

This release introduces the following updates to REST API: 

  • PATCH /items now updates multiple items as an asynchronous request

  • PUT /items/{treeLocation} now sets item location by indicating parent and location of a peer

  • GET /baselines/{baselineId}/reviewlink now returns the connected Review ID of the baseline it was derived from

  • *GET /baselines endpoint now returns the baseline pick list option 

  • *GET /baselines/{baselineId} endpoint now returns the baseline pick list option

  • *PUT /baselines/{baselineId} endpoint now updates the baseline pick list option

* Baseline-specific pick list must be enabled. 

This release also introduces the following new Labs API Endpoints:

  • POST /baselines/folders
    • Adds a baseline folder
  • GET /baselines/folders
    • Returns results for the baseline folder by key or name
  • PUT /baselinetree/{projectId}/move
    • Moves a baseline source to a folder 

Notes for System Administrators 

For MySQL Customers Only

Before upgrading Jama Connect, MySQL must be upgraded to version 8 to optimize performance. For more information, see "Performance improvements" in these release notes. Known issues in earlier versions of MySQL with Jama Connect 8.74.1 may cause significant issues.      


Introducing Replicated KOTS

Our partner, Replicated, is a leader in deploying cloud-ready infrastructure into self-hosted environments, including Airgap and customer-managed cloud environments. Replicated developed KOTS, which preserves the previous versions' options for simple installation, monitoring, and updating, but is updated to leverage KOTS. KOTS is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

This update is part of Jama Software's focus on continual improvements to enterprise tooling. You can transition to a KOTS deployment when you upgrade to Jama Connect 8.74.1.   

Incremental Step Upgrade and New Database Schemas

If you haven't yet upgraded to Jama Connect 8.62.x or later -- 

  • Before you install or upgrade to Jama Connect 8.74.1, you must first create two new database schemas to support the new options for SAML and OAuth authentication (introduced in Jama Connect 8.62.0 and revised in Jama Connect 8.62.4). 

  • For the upgrade to succeed, organizations using Microsoft SQL Server must enter database users in Replicated -- without these entries, the installation or upgrade will fail. 

For more information, see Incremental Step Upgrade and the Jama Connect 8.62.4 Release Notes.


Supported Software

For this current release, and for all self-hosted releases, we encourage system administrators to review the Supported Software information on the Jama Software User Community before upgrading.  

Container Artifacts

Replicated Release Number 2.53.0
Java Version (JDK_UPDATE)
NGINX_VERSION 1.18.0-2.el7.ngx

We regression tested using Replicated 2.53.2, and recommend the use of the following script for the initial installation of Jama Connect -- this will install Replicated 2.53.2: 

curl -sSL "https://get.replicated.com/docker?replicated_tag=2.53.2&replicated_ui_tag=2.53.2&replicated_operator_tag=2.53.2" | sudo bash -s no-auto


Airgap Environments

Airgap customers can download the required version of Replicated via https://s3.amazonaws.com/replicated-airgap-work/stable/replicated-2.53.2%2B2.53.2%2B2.53.2.tar.gz before installing the 8.74.1 Airgap file available in your portal. 



Resolved Issues

ID Description

Reviews can now be sorted by Status, Role, Revision, Moderator, End date, or Progress.


When workflow is enabled, previous versions of an item that have been converted to a different item type can now be transitioned to Current.


Reviews that are created at the same time now have different review numbers.


In the Test Center, when the unique ID of a test case is long, the full ID can now be viewed in a title tag when you hover over the ID link.


Items are no longer locked when they are edited in List View.


When you edit an item in a review, existing tags are now visible.


Selecting two different sets of items before the first tab opens no longer causes issues.


Using REST API POST /projects/{projectId}/attachments with required field settings no longer produces an error.


CSV exports from Trace View now show quotation marks (") correctly.


When you insert an image into a shape from the Diagram Editor, those changes are now saved and displayed correctly.


Now, when you move sets of items to a new project, workflow settings are aligned with the new project.


In Review Center Single Item View, related item links are now displayed correctly for all items. 


Review comments are now saved when a session is renewed or refreshed.


From the Jama Connect API, a locked parent item still allows sub-items to be edited.


If items in a workflow where converted to a folder, you can now use the option Replace with baseline.


If the "subscribe others" setting is disabled and you try to subscribe a user, then click OK when prompted, Jama Connect is no longer stuck in a loop.


In the Review Center table view, when you sort by project, the results are now sorted in alphabetical order.


Text for Review Center comments now wraps correctly and is no longer truncated.  


Review Center settings are now saved when you click Save Settings in review templates.  


When you compare versions of an item, contents in tables now accurately reflects any changes. 


Project settings are now saved when a customer's database includes a specific property value. 


When a review comment includes an @mention and is edited or deleted, the count is now updated to reflect that change. 


If a reviewer is tagged with @mention in the top level of the comment box, and isn't attached to items, the total now appears in My Mentions.


Enabled categories no longer appear as disabled (OFF) when they're actually enabled (ON). 


Comments in private reviews are no longer visible to non-participants. 


When a user is assigned to many user groups, their project screen now loads more quickly. 


Related items in reviews are now visible after you publish a new revision. 


Review activities now displays the correct designation of a new version compared to a new review. 


The test cycle start and end dates are now visible in the Reading View of a review. 


Now, if an item is converted to a new item type without a defined workflow, you can assign workflow settings at a later date. 


When moving your cursor over a review, images in the description are no longer downloaded from the server, causing performance issues. 


An error no longer appears when you save an item with tags twice. 


When disabled, the option Allow users to change their username now behaves as expected.


The option to reset a forgotten password is no longer available to IdP (SAML) users.


When you delete a custom field from an item type that data is now automatically removed, avoiding issues in calculations and item updates when the unique field name is reused later.


In a review, when a comment is resolved by a moderator, that comment is now saved correctly and the item content is not impacted. 


Known Issues

ID Description

The Collaborator license that appears on the Admin and Root license pages incorrectly displays zero instead of the correct amount. The error only occurs in the UI. Users are still able to log in if licenses are available.


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