Release Date US: 2023/06/30
Release Date AU/EU: 2023/07/01
Updates to MathType and ChemType Equation Image Formats
This release includes new configuration options for the MathType and ChemType equation image formats.
When you select PNG as the format, you can now choose the PNG quality:
- 96 dpi – Small
- 300 dpi – Normal
- 600 dpi – Large
- 1200 dpi – Extra Large
MathType and ChemType configuration settings are now only available from Admin > Organization. You can no longer access these settings as a root user.
Test Management Updates
When you edit a test cycle, a new message now notifies you when a test run isn't removed from the test cycle when the status is Not Run or Assignee.
Notes for Admins
The fix for SOS-DEF-2053 removes the ability to use the release1 predefined field on a Set, Folder, or Component. Prior to this fix, the field could be configured, but no release values could be saved because the Release Navigator doesn't save the value. If previously configured, we recommend removing the field and using a different predefined or custom release field instead.
Resolved Issues
ID | Description |
SOS-DEF-1060 SOS-DEF-5563 |
When the Assigned to user is created in the test case and inherited by the test run, the test case now exports to a report as expected. |
SOS-DEF-1829 | Editing pick list options via the REST API maintains the correct sort order. |
SOS-DEF-2053 | Removed the ability to use the "release1" predefined field on a Set, Folder, or Component. See note for admins above for more detail. |
SOS-DEF-2855 SOS-DEF-5684 |
The Assigned to field is now versioned during test runs. When the assigned user is updated, there is now an activity log and version change. |
SOS-DEF-5462 | The Assigned to field is now versioned during test runs and user selections are cleared as expected. |
SOS-DEF-6555 | The reset password email is now sent when users enter their email in the forgot password screen, when their username is something different than their email. |
SOS-DEF-6825 | Users can open Trace View from items with a percent sign (%) in their name. |
SOS-DEF-6970 |
Description from the previous baseline no longer copies over when trying to edit a new baseline when the baseline status field is disabled. |
SOS-DEF-6903 | The baseline source ID is now displayed correctly in the Baselines tab when the Show IDs toggle is enabled, and the baseline source is opened from the "Recently viewed'/'Bookmarks" section of the homepage. |
SOS-DEF-6950 | The baseline status from the previous baseline version is no longer copied to the new baseline when the baseline is created from a review or revision. |
SOS-DEF-6941 |
.getAllCategoryPathsByDocumentId(java.lang.Integer) Velocity Method Unable to Utilize |
SOS-DEF-6968 |
When a SCIM Group PATCH request included a duplicate entry was synched, the response caused a failure. Endpoint has been updated so that duplicate entries are now skipped when a match is found. |
SOS-DEF-7042 | Removed the ability to select all from the baseline source list view header. |
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