Jama Connect® 8. x Upgrade Checklist and Process Documentation

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein
  • Updated
Updated: October 2024
Due to significant changes made to our database schema on some Jama Connect®, we require a step upgrade path when upgrading from older versions of the Jama Connect® application. This document outlines all the incremental steps an existing Jama Connect 8. x customer should follow to upgrade their self-hosted Jama Connect installation successfully.

Required Upgrade Pathway Order

If you run into issues during the upgrade process, stop what you're doing and follow these steps:

1. Review the system requirements and supported software to ensure you're meeting the requirements.

2. Review the database server requirements to ensure you correctly set up and configured the databases.

3. Ensure your database server and application server can access each other.
4. You must reindex after reaching your desired version. 

Contact Jama Software Customer Support for help if these components are configured correctly. 

Step 1: Make Backups and Inform Users of Downtime Before Upgrading

  1. Database backup
    1. My SQL - take a MySQL dump
    2. SQLServer - proprietary dump
  2. Data directory backup
    1. Please make a copy of the data directory and store it in the location
  3. Replicated Snapshot
    1. Option in Replicated Admin Console; check yes to save settings to revert to in cases of rollback
  4. Prepare for maintenance mode and create a customer downtime plan

Step 2: Overview the Upgrade Plan and, if helpful, request a pre-upgrade consultation with Jama Software® Support

Review the following high-level steps with Jama Software® Support to fully understand roles/responsibilities:

  1. Put Jama Connect into maintenance mode and ensure users were notified of planned outage (Customer)
  2. Perform step upgrade activities (Customer)
  3. Once on the targeted upgrade version, log in as the root user and then perform a full re-index
  4. Disable maintenance mode and release Jama Connect to users

Step 3: Confirm System Requirements

Activity Comments/Actions
  • Confirm the current version of Jama Connect
  • The customer to confirm the version by checking the Jama Connect login page
  • Reverse Proxy

  • Elasticsearch
    • If using Remote Elasticsearch
      • CPU/# of cores
      • RAM
  • The customer to confirm the details
  • Server OS

  • Application Server
    • CPU/# of cores
    • RAM
  • Run Docker info on the application server and confirm all details are  aligned with the Supported Software Requirements

  • Your Server OS and Sizing MUST be aligned to the targeted version you want to upgrade to
    • If your Server needs to be aligned, you'll likely need to get either a new server or update existing requirements on your existing server before you begin upgrading Jama Connect.
  • Database Server
    • CPU/# of cores
    • RAM

  • Database Version
  • On the database server:
    1. For CPU, run lscpu
    2. For RAM, run grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

  • Confirm all details are within the Supported Software Database Server Requirements
    • Database VERSION and RESOURCES are what matters -- please make sure these are aligned with the targeted version you'll be upgrading to.
  • Replicated Version
  • On the application server, run replicated --v or check the cluster tab in the Replicated admin console.

  • Confirm what version of Replicated is currently in use
    • If an update is needed, Replicated will be upgraded to the supported version when the curl command is run.
  • Docker Version
  • Run docker info on the application server
  • Confirm what version of Docker is currently in use
    • Docker will be upgraded to the supported version if an update is needed when running the curl command used to upgrade Replicated.


Step 4: Commence Step Upgrade(s)

  • For each incremental step, it's crucial to make sure you check the specifics for each step outlined below --  the required step upgrades are as follows:
8x to to to 8.62.4 → 8.62.4 to Current Release
8.x to 8.36.0 Upgrade Checks
  1. Run curl -sSL "https://get.jamasoftware.com/docker?replicated_tag=2.32.2" | sudo bash -s no-auto.
    • This updates Docker and Replicated and readies the Jama Connect upgrade to version 8.36.0.

  2. Visit the Replicated admin console, then check for updates and commence the upgrade by clicking on the link for version 8.36.0

8.36.0 to 8.49.0 Upgrade Checks

  1. The sysctl.conf file must be edited through - /etc/sysctl.conf

  2. Run curl -sSL "https://get.jamasoftware.com/docker?replicated_tag=2.42.5" | sudo bash -s no-auto
    • This updates both Docker and Replicated and readies the Jama Connect upgrade to version 8.49.0

  3. Visit the Replicated admin console, then check for updates and commence the upgrade by clicking on the link for version 8.49.0

8.49.0 to 8.62.4 Upgrade Checks

  1. Jama Connect 8.62.4 Self-Hosted Release Notes page to update your database according to the NEW database requirements (including schemas and possible additional database details).
    • Instructions for both MSSQL and MySQL are outlined in this doc.
    • Please make sure to follow all instructions outlined based on the database that you are using!

  2. Run curl -sSL “https://get.jamasoftware.com/docker?replicated_tag=2.51.0" | sudo bash -s no-auto
    • This updates both Docker and Replicated and readies the Jama Connect upgrade to version 8.62.4

  3. Visit the Replicated admin console, then check for updates and commence the upgrade by clicking on the link for version 8.62.4

8.62.4 to Current Release Upgrade Checks

  1. Before installing or upgrading to the Jama Connect 8.62+ release, we recommend creating two new database schemas to support the new SAML and OAuth authentication options. Please review the "Notes to Self-Hosted Administrators"  in the 8.62.4 release notes for specific instructions: Jama Connect 8.62.4 Release Notes
  2. When upgrading to the current version, Jama stops supporting MySQL versions before MySQL 8
  3. Run curl -sSL “https://get.jamasoftware.com/docker?replicated_tag=2.53.2" | sudo bash -s no-auto
    • This updates Docker and Replicated and readies the Jama Connect upgrade to the current version.

  4. Visit the Replicated admin console, then check for updates and commence the upgrade by clicking on the link for the current version.

Step 5: Final Upgrade Steps

  1. Once on the targeted upgrade version, please log in as the root user and perform a re-index. 
    • You don't need to re-index after each incremental upgrade; you can only do so once you have reached your targeted upgrade version.

Troubleshooting Tips/One-Off Scenarios

Unable to Find Updated Versions Available to Upgrade to
Reindexing Failures or Errors
  • Update Advanced Startup Settings
    • jmsactivemq.memoryusage=2048000000
    • jamasearch.reindexBrokenItemThreshold=10000000
    • jamasearch.enabled=true
    • jamasearch.backgroundbatchindex.enabled=true
    • jamasearch.multithreadindex.chunksize=500
    • jamasearch.multithreadindex.enabled=true
    • jamasearch.multithreadindex.poolsize=5

Docker-Specific Errors or Issues

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